Peter Grunberg – Endlessness! Without Question!

Light of Truth

Augustine Pamplany CST

Peter Grunberg (1939-2018) was a German Physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2007 for his discovery of giant magnetoresistance. Grunberg researched on Lord Kelvin’s finding that the electric resistance of a conducting material can be changed if it is place in a magnetic field. The effect produced by a layer of nonmagnetic metal placed between layers of magnetized metal is called giant magnetoresistance. Grunberg’s experiments showed that resistance could be increased or decreased by changing the direction of magnetization. It led to a revolution in the development of computer hard drives.
In an interview with Dan Peterson in 2007 he opened his mind on his philosophical and religious convictions. To the question, do you believe in God as a natural scientist, he said, “Naturally, yes. I grew up as a strict Catholic, and I think that I benefited from that.” However, he did not believe in the exclusive claim of truth by any one religion. What is important is to have the endless quest for truth.
He believed in immortality and stated, “Yes. I certainly think there’s a chance of it. I could, of course, be like a crystal: At the moment of my death tossed into water and, dissolving and rising into my surroundings, becoming a part of the whole. I can imagine that as the end, too.” Though he believed in immortality, he did not subscribe to the literal understanding of paradise and hell which he considered to be naïve. “But, yes, there is more than we in the material world can see and comprehend. There’s something more, absolutely, certainly, so. Consider the universe: We often judge things according to the way we experienced them in childhood. If an experience agrees with our early impressions, we say, ‘Yes, that’s right.’ But now I pose this question to myself: What is beyond the universe? There’s always an end, a wall. But just as I learned as a child, I’ve learned that, beyond the wall, there is still always something. That’s a conflict that we have to live with. Endlessness. It’s the incomprehensible. There it is. Without question.” . . .
He was ever a seeker of truth. He said he always wondered about the existence of God in the light of Chaos theory and Big Bang Theory. “Is there really a God? I never pose this question in the hope that I can settle it. I know that I can never know it. It’s unanswerable and will remain so.”

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