Light of Truth

Varghese Alengaden
Founder, Universal Solidarity Movement,
President, National Peace Movement.

Observing the innumerable scandals caused by the priests and religious leaders, hypocrisy of preachers , making religion a business of selling God as a commodity, drugging people with ‘opium’ of rituals , court cases involving priests, religious and Bishops, a vast majority of ordinary people are confused and frustrated. They ask themselves, “Why does God allow such things to happen in His name?”
Scandals, corruption, division and conflicts had been part and parcel of the life of the church from the early years of its existence. Before we discuss the present conflicts and scandals in the church today let us make a critical review of the history of the church from the time of Jesus Christ.
Incarnation of Jesus took place when Jewish people were expecting a messiah who would liberate them from slavery of Roman empire. They were looking for a powerful political leader after the model of their kings of the past. Contrary to their expectation Jesus was born of poor parents and brought up in their home.
When Jesus entered public life at the age of thirty he made a clarion call for a radical renewal of life of the Jewish people. He launched a spiritual movement, contrary to the cultic religiosity, which was controlled by the priestly class. He not only challenged the institutional religious structures which oppressed and exploited the common people but also lambasted the hypocrisy of the Jewish hierarchy. He exposed the nexus between the priestly class and rulers.

“Religions in general are made into a business for capturing power and  money by exploiting the religious sentiments of common people.”

After analyzing the socio-political and religious scenario, Jesus became the voice of the oppressed and the marginalized in the society. He established the importance of the spirituality of practicing values of justice, equality, freedom and fraternity without borders. He defended women who were oppressed and promoted the dignity of all sections of the society.
Jesus was a person of simplicity personified. He identified himself with the last and the least in the society, which Mahatma Gandhi and many others in the world adopted after him. He replaced the complicated rituals with acts of love and service. Loving one’s enemies and forgiving them unconditionally were made mandatory to become his followers.
Foreseeing the manipulations in future he had firmly rejected institutionalism and sectarianism when he declared categorically to a Samaritan woman to worship God in truth and spirit. He wanted his disciples to follow a spirituality without cultic practices in churches, temples and other worship places, all controlled by priests. He criticized the priestly class of his times for their exhibitionism in dress and behaviour. In contrast, Jesus identified with common people in dress and life style.
Jesus became popular by his way of life. His values, attitudes and approaches inspired hundreds of people to abandon their home, parents and jobs to follow his austere and adventurous life. His life and teachings had made such a positive impact on people that they were ready to die to keep up his values and teachings.

Political conspiracy of hijacking the religion:

The disciples of Christ kept up the legacy of Christ for three centuries after his death. Kings and emperors of the past and the present day politicians know the power of spirituality which would challenge their corrupt ways. Hence from time immemorial they have made efforts to patronize religions and purchase religious leaders. When three hundred years of persecution did not defeat the spirit of early Christians, the Roman emperor Constantine used the tactic of patronizing them.
From 311 persecution of Christians stopped. Bishops and priests were given special privileges and honours. Being a Christian became a status symbol. Christianity became the state religion all through the Roman empire. State constructed several churches and monasteries. While the church received all kinds of favours emperors and kings interfered with the functioning and policies of the church in view of maintaining their power.
The same system continued in the modern times. When the rich countries of Europe conquered and colonized the poor and the weak countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America the priests and nuns accompanied them for missionary work. They established churches all over the colonies. The aggressive missionary work with the patronage of the colonial governments destroyed local culture and religions. Church did not condemn the evil practices of slavery, violence and murder committed by the invaders. Today very few of our priests, religious and laity know that the aggressive missionary activities and violence inflicted on Hindus in India during the colonial era are the cause of the present day anger and revenge of the Hindutva groups. Today they have the support and patronage of a Hindutva government.

When religion is politicized and commercialized…

All over the world when the colonial governments were ruling the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, missionaries with great zeal were engaged to spread Christianity by establishing churches, educational institutions, hospitals and other social work projects. The newly converted Christians, local priests and religious continued imitating the life style of their colonial masters. Financial support and political patronage made the work of the church personnel easy.
As the Hindutva groups consolidated and strengthened themselves the church personnel started experiencing insecurity and alienation. With the colonial style of formation and the way of life the Bishops, priests and nuns find themselves today unable to handle the hostile situation in the country. Instead of exploring new strategies and action plans based on the life and teachings of Christ they are continuing the colonial legacy and making the laity to keep up the same.
In their efforts to take revenge against Christians and Muslims the RSS and Hindutva forces today are copying the mistakes the foreign invaders and the missionaries did in the past. These Hindutva forces are betraying their ancient rich tradition of considering the whole world as a family (Vasudaiva Kutumbakam). They betray the great teaching, Ekam Sat Vipra Bahuda Vadanti (Truth is one, the sages call it differently). They also reject the ancient heritage of unity in diversity.
As the spiritual movement of Christ was hijacked and misused by the emperors and political leaders of the west, the politicians in India are institutionalizing and making the great Hindu spiritual way a business to capture political power. Religions in general are made into a business for capturing power and money by exploiting the religious sentiments of common people. The nexus between politicians and priests makes religion a drug of people. Karl Marx was right when he said, ‘religion is the opium of people’. They succeed in brainwashing common people not to see the hypocrisy and conspiracy of the priestly class and politicians. Drugged by religion, simple people blindly believe all the lies they preach to them.
The two fold crises the Church in India faces:
The church in India is facing a hostile situation today. The Hindutva forces with the support of a Hindu Government are determined to alienate and eliminate the minorities especially Muslims and Christians. All over India the church institutions and people are being attacked. Government is enacting laws to oppose and harass the minorities. The police, government officials and even judiciary are acting as per the instruction of the Hindutva leaders. In reality the constitutional values remain in paper.
While the church is facing so much opposition from external forces and government, it is facing grave problems from within. Divisions, conflicts, public scandals by priests, religious and bishops are weakening the church from within. These conflicts and divisions are also very much visible among the laity. The priests, religious and bishops have lost the credibility to guide and correct the laity in the parishes. In many cases priests mislead and misuse the laity to serve their vested interests. Intelligent laypersons understand the politics among the clergy and the hierarchy. They don’t see Good Shepherd model of leaders among the bishops and priests.
When the Bishops, priests and the religious drift away from the way of Christ they forget the warning Jesus had given about causing scandals: “If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose his faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be drowned in the deep sea” (Mt 18:6). Christ is very uncompromising about causing scandals to simple people. In this context many of our Bishops and priests should have drowned in the sea by this time. Yet they have no shame to exhibit a big cross and preach eloquently taking the name of Christ. They commit worse crimes by misusing money and positions of power to intimidate and silence prophetic persons who stand up and speak truth. Like politicians they purchase people to shout slogans against them.
Christ has also asked his disciples to be light of the world and set an example by their life. Similarly he wants his disciples to act as salt of the earth to prevent society from being corrupted. As salt they are expected to add taste to society by their value based life without aggressive presence. His disciples also are expected to work for healing in the society by working for peace and reconciliation. When the disciples of Christ have lost the saltiness they engage in corrupt practices and indulge in scandalous activities. In such a situation they would be irrelevant and ineffective. The result will be that they would be rejected by society and be “trampled under men’s feet”. Negative publicity in the media and all kinds of allegations church faces today are due to this loss of saltiness.

What is the solution?

In the midst of corruption, scandals and divisions we should not lose our hope. The way of Christ, the spiritual movement of Christ has faced many storms in the past. We need to believe that the crisis is for growth and explore new alternatives.
1.    Each Christian shall become conscious of God’s call to be a prophet and act as conscience of the society without fear of the consequences.
2.    Instead of waiting for the permission of the priestly class and the hierarchy, the laity shall follow the way of Christ and take charge and defend the mission of Christ.
3.    Create a solidarity group among the laity who follow the way of Christ and explore a religionless spirituality of worshiping God in truth and spirit which goes beyond religions, caste and geographical boundaries. It is worshipping God without worship places and priests.
4.    Conflicts and public scandals in the name of rituals such as imposing uniformity of Holy Mass could be avoided if we follow the way of Christ based on spirituality of values. Content of Catechism shall be changed accordingly.
5.    Build communion of disciples of Christ who are bound by the law of love: “By your love the world shall know that you are my disciples”.
6.    The criteria of judging an action right and wrong shall be determined by answering these questions: What would Jesus do if he were here? What is the heart of Christ? What is the mind of Christ?

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