Response of the Prime Minister on the Manipur issue

Light of Truth

QUESTIONS: Are you happy with the response of the Prime Minister on the Manipur issue?

ANSWER: I am very disappoi-nted. We expected the prime minister would speak like a responsi-ble person who has a vision for the develop-ment of the people of Manipur. Here, he spoke like a politician at a time when his pri-mary aim should have been the growth and development of the people.
He is silent on such matters for political reasons. He wants to make sure that the opposition does not say anything. On every other issue, he has always something to say. After the Manip-ur riot happened, why was he so silent up until now? He was totally mum. Even the state government should have acted with greater responsibility and con-cern for the people. I’m totally disappointed with the response of the prime minister.

Bp Alex vadakumthala

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