Continental synodal meetings

Light of Truth


Continental synodal meetings are being held now everywhere in Asia and Europe. If you look at church authority, there are two types of it, the papal authority on the one hand and the synodal authority on the other. Is there a conflict of interest between the two?


I would say they are more of complementary to each other. The synodal authority is intended for the better running or rather progress of the Church in each local locality or continent. Now, the continental church shares the aspirations and dreams of the entire Church, which is equally important for the latter today. So it is more complimentary than contradictory. It will help the better growth of the Church. The Synodal majority need not always be right. And therefore, it does not envisage a majority rule situation in the Church. Rather, it be-comes inspirational in discerning and sharing the faith. In a given situation, even one person’s suggestion can become an acceptable rule for the entire church. I would say majority opinion is not always necessary. The continental synods may decide something, but there must be a prudential oversight by the Pope.

Bp Alex Joseph Vadakumthala

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