Do not Leave Home for Long…

Light of Truth

Jacob Chanikuzhy

Israeli Rabbis and Jewish scholars found it so hard to digest the fact that Aaron made a golden calf for the people to worship that they tried to justify the act of Aaron in several ways. Thus, according to the Rabbis, Hur, the son of Miriam and Caleb, actually tried to dissuade the people from making idols for themselves, but the outraged people stoned him to death. Seeing this Aaron was afraid that they would kill him too. More than his own death, Aaron was concerned about people committing the grave sin of killing their two leaders on the same day, and so he acquiesced to their demand. Jewish Rabbis hold that Aaron tried his level best to delay the idolatrous incident and it is because of his good intentions that God did not withhold the high priesthood from him. The idolatry of Israel is also unbelievable because they had not yet moved from the place of fearsome theophany where God had spoken to them. So, another Haggadah explains that among the people of Israel were also thousands of Egyptians who were accustomed to worshipping idols (Ex 12:38). It is because of their persuasion the Israelites demanded the creation of idols.
Some think that actually what Aaron made was not a different God but a representation of Yahweh Himself. This is so because after making it, Aaron declared a feast to Yahweh and not to any other God. The reason why Aaron chose to make a calf was that the bull was worshipped by several nations in the Near East as God. By depicting Yahweh as a bull, which was a symbol of power, Aaron wanted to present Yahweh as the powerful God of Israel. What Aaron made was not a representation of Yahweh but the pedestal of Yahweh, contend many others. They also point out that in the Ancient Near Eastern Religions gods were generally depicted as seated on animals.
Did this incident of making golden calf really happen (Exodus 32)? Some answer with a no. In their view, it was written to explain the giving of the Law two times. It was because Moses broke the stone tablets, the law had to be given twice. Modern scholars also speculate that this story was invented to invalidate the calf worship in the Northern Kingdom of Israel established by King Jeroboam 1.
The biblical story as it stands now, does not seem to exonerate either Aaron for making the golden calf or the people for worshipping it. The incident drew divine fury which indicates that what was done was utterly wrong. However, the story teaches about the people’s need for a God. They cannot go forward without a God. If true God is not introduced and constantly reintroduced to them, they will go after false gods. The story also tells about how important for the leaders to stay close to their people. Although Moses was with God, people grew impatient at his absence, and they failed to wait for him. If Moses’ legitimate absence caused troubles, what about the irresponsible absence of other leaders! It is a lesson not only for religious leaders but also for the parents to stay close to their own people and family lest they deviate from true faith and morals and genuine relationships. The story of the golden calf illustrates how people generously contributed their precious gold to make an idol. When we have a particular idol whom/that we adore in our heart we will be ready to spend any amount of money; forget our family and friends; forgot our God, religion, morals and what not. Beware of the idols we worship.
The story presents a wonderful picture of God that is not easily digestible – the picture of a God who changes His mind. In traditional understanding God does not change His mind. But, in our story, Yahweh who in His great anger decides to kill His people, becomes calm and changes His mind through the intercession of Moses. Moses persuades Yahweh to rethink His decision and God promptly does so. We have a God who really loves. In true love, lovers can influence and change each other. It is part of the love relationship to respond to the requests of the beloved. If God Himself esteems relationships so much, how much more we must care for our beloved people, family and friends. One thing we should not forget to do for them is to stay close…

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