Market Is Truly World Religion

Light of Truth

Unabated violence was unleashed throughout different states by protestors after Dera chief was convicted of rape case. DSS under Gurmeet Ram Raheem Singh said: “The Dera Sacha Sauda purports to accept no donations, but owns 700 acres of donated farming land in Punjab and Haryana, from which the bulk of the organization’s income is drawn. ….The Dera’s physical presence goes far beyond these two states, however, and includes 36 local and urban branches in eleven states across India. In tune with its mandate, the organization’s main outreach focus is on social work. In 1994, the Dera opened a 175-bed hospital at Gurusar Modia, in Rajasthan. In 2004, it also opened a girls’ school in Gurusar Modia.

The organization has been active in responding to disasters, such as those that have taken place in the tribal areas of Chhattisgarh State. The Dera also has a number of world records under its belt for having organised massive blood donation drives.” He is simply one of many godmen in India. India has produced great sages and yogis who espouse different versions of Hindu religion, like Sai Baba, Meher Baba, Ramana Maharshi, Anandamayi Ma, Amritanandamayi Ma, Paramahansa Yogananda, and many others. According to the Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism’s best known scripture, God incarnates periodically as a human being to save the world and restore righteousness when evil is rampant. This incarnation of God called an Avatar may display some or all of the powers ascribed to the divine, depending on the reason for the incarnation. As with many traditional cultures, the advent of market economy and modern communications have facilitated exposure to European and American culture, which has accelerated the trend.

Many educated as well as uneducated Hindus live by the market culture. It is not a question pertaining to Hinduism itself. Consumer culture is deconstructing every religion, making market the world religion. “Capital had ceased to be a servant and had become a master. Assuming a separate and independent vitality it claimed the right of a predominant partner to dictate economic organization in accordance with its own exacting requirements.” The monster in Shelley’s Frankenstein expresses it more brutally: “You are my creator, but I am your master.” Now market with its surplus value of profit becomes the God of every religion. In a market driven capitalist society “instead of economy being embedded in social relations, social relations are embedded in the economic system.”

It simply is intolerable that the most important issues about human livelihood will be decided solely on the basis of profit for trans-national corporations. The collapse of communism-best understood as a capitalist “heresy”- makes it more apparent that the market is becoming the first truly world religion, binding all corners of the globe more and more tightly into a worldview and a set of values whose religious role we overlook. The Sai Baba ashram or the Rajneesh movement or Amritanandamayi Ma movement are worldwide movements founded by charismatic demigods who have no authority above them to correct or teach them. As its charismatic focus and living source, the immediate viability of this emerging religion depends on a demigod, who is apparently good and enjoys continuing credibility with devotees.

As part of a triple incarnation, the Indian saints or better the market demigods are a law unto themselves. Moral allegations have occurred with every one of these demigods, which their devotees cannot tolerate being diffused in the community and so defend with all their might. Max Weber has proposed the concept of the “salvation good.” He thought that religions promised immanent or transcendent “goods” that believers might strive for, and which could be produced, distributed, monopolised or democratised by religious groups. Weber had in mind phenomena like wealth, health, happiness, a high level of social prestige, deliverance from suffering, from slavery or imperfection which are immanent goals as well as states of ecstasy, of union with the divine. For believers the doctrine of Calvinist predestination resulted in a crisis of proof. How do I know that I am one of the elect?

Max Weber wrote, “However useless good works might be as a means of attaining salvation… nevertheless, they are indispensable as a sign of election.” But the demigods turn their supernatural claims to simple worldly games of heath and wealth gospel which automatically turn them to the power of capital and politics. The fundamentalist politics of India thrive on the demigods of popular might and the political power of king making. Every religion has these demigods, but some religions have power controls which prevents them from dictating right and wrong. But all the so-called spiritual men are no more authentic men and women who are honest ascetics and spiritual beings. They are a kind of priestly performers of the religion of the market.

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