Dark days are ahead for India: Justice Katju

Light of Truth

“Something has happened in India which reminds me of what happened in Germany during the Nazi era.

After Hitler took power in January 1933 almost the whole of Germany went mad, people shouting ‘Heil Hitler,’ ‘Sieg Heil,’ ‘Juden Verecke’ and adoring that madman like hypnotized zombies. One can see it all on YouTube.

Germans are such highly cultured people, who produced great scientists like Max Planck and Einstein, great writers like Goethe and Schiller, great poets like Heine, great musicians like Mozart, Bach and Beethoven, great reformers like Mart-in Luther, great philosophers like Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel and Marx, great mathematicians like Leibnitz, Gauss and Riemann, and great statesmen like Frederick the Great and Bismarck. I found every German I met to be a fine person…

The same has happened now to most Indians. Ever since the BJP, which is a right wing Hindu neo-fascist party come to power in 2014, a huge communal propaganda has been unleashed in India against the Indian minorities (particularly the Muslims) by hate speeches, accusing them of killing cows, seducing Hindu girls (love jihad ) etc thus poisoning the minds of most Hindus, who are the majority in India.”

[Justice Markandey Katju is a former Judge of the Supreme Court of India and former Chairman, Press Council of India.]

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