
Light of Truth
  • Sr. Rosy Malekudy FHGS

“In a Gentle way, you can shake the world.” Mahatma Gandhi. “Hard times do make better people. That is the middle of difficulty lives opportunity.” “If everyone would clean their own doorstep, the whole world will be clean.”
Leadership shows excellence in the current role. Revolutionary new model of Leadership is about creating an environment and culture “where” everyone needs to show leadership. Everyone needs to drive innovation. Everyone needs to inspire their teammates. Everyone needs to embrace change. Everyone need to take responsibility for results. Everyone needs to be positive. Everyone needs to become devoted to expressing their absolute best.
Titles and structures miantain order and keep everything running smoothly. Each one needs to assume personal responsibility. We all need to lead where we are planted and shine where we now find ourselves.
The more you do it, the more your ara of influence will expand. You should have a total control of your current role. The highest of all human abilities is the ability each one of us has to choose, how we respond to the environment we find ourselves within. And when each person chooses the peak performance and personal leadership, the community or congregation gets its place.
We all have an “inner leader” inside of us, longing to break free. We all have a natural power to lead that has notning to do with a big title. Leadership is nothing to do with what you get or where you sit. It is more about how brilliantly you work and have masterfully you behave. It is all about doing great work right where you stand now. And about lifting up every single one of the individual you work with and get to serve.
We need to leave our ego inside our room every morning when we walk out to the chapel so that we can be far more concernec about doing fantastic work, supporting our teammates – community/congregational members – and showing real leadership than with having some lofty title. This is the real human in the life of a person. What is needed is to be just a living human being beacuse today, every single individual alive has unrecognised powers and disowned potential that are far superior to the power conferred by a title.
Therefore, the deep understanding of what real leadership is to be the best we could be everyday in life at community at work. And making an excellent contribution at every touch point of my life.
Only the mediocre die always at their best. Real leaders are always improving and raising their bar on how superfly they can perform and how quickly they can move. Leadership is for everyone. If you can’t lead yourself, you’ll never be able to lead anyone around you. First of all, findig the centre of strength within ourselves is the long run the best contribution we can make to our fellow men. The potential unrealised turns to pain. Success is created through the performance of a few small daily disciplines that slack up over time to produce achievements far beyond anything you could have ever planned for.

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