Home can better Replace the Social-Media

Light of Truth
  • Fr Jo Paul Kiriyanthan

Social media helped us to recognize the fact that the social acceptance is a significant factor in human life. People do certain risky things for their social media contents. Some others do silly and funny things to amuse others. Yet another group of people attract the viewers by opening up their private life in the social media platform. These wide range of people might not challenge or risk themselves if they were not really inspired by the so-called ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ which are the simple examples of social acceptance. In other words, social media companies had wisely tooled the profound impact of social acceptance in the daily decisions of human beings.

Social acceptance is directly correlated with the self-esteem of an individual. Self-esteem becomes particularly alive and active at such events of social acceptance or rejection. Hence, Christopher Mruk, an American psychologist called them as ‘self-esteem moments’. This is a social dimension of the self-esteem. One’s perception about the worth or acceptance others give to oneself contributes significantly to the overall self-esteem of that individual. Empirical researches validate this theory. Repetitive exposure to warm and positive social feedback improved the low self-esteem among the participants of the research (Baccus et al., 2004, pp. 492 & 501).

Social acceptance can be multidimensional such as acceptance by the significant figures, acceptance by the peers and acceptance by the general public. Among them, significant figures have a pivotal role. Parents are central figures. Siblings are also significant. Parents’ role is shared by teachers to a certain extent in later period of life. Intimate friends, life partners and children are being added to this list of significant figures even later. In a therapeutic context therapist is the significant figure for the client and the unconditional acceptance by a therapist becomes crucial for the patient in the process of change or cure. According to attachment theory, the affection of close others is predominantly important to self-esteem. Realizing that one is loveable and worthy of care and support is central to secure attachment (Bowlby, 1982, p. 104; Crocker et al., 2003, p. 895).

Words and gestures of appreciation are relevant in personal life. An effective parenting demands a generous and realistic appreciation towards children. Any form of favouritism showed to one child would be perceived as a rejection by other children. Acceptance or rejection experiences by siblings and partners can also significantly contribute each other’s self-worth.

A family environment of acceptance filled with expressions of words and deeds can reduce significantly one’s crave for the acceptance from social media. Some name such moments as their ‘family time’, where members exchange their emotions for other family members. A warm family atmosphere cannot be optional, but a must.

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