Trads Target Francis With Latin Mass Billboard Blitz

Light of Truth

On March 29, dozens of posters urging the pontiff to cease his hostilities against the TLM were plastered on billboards in Roman neighbourhoods surrounding Vatican City.
The posters featuring images and quotes from Pope Benedict XVI, Pope John Paul II and Pope Pius V will be displayed in Rome for 15 days in an act of resistance to Francis’ Traditionis Custodes – his July 2021 motu proprio that aims to suppress the TLM.
“Those who go to the ‘Latin Mass’ are not second class believers, nor are they deviants to be re-educated or a burden to be gotten rid of,” traditionalist groups promoting the poster campaign warned in a press statement.
“The growing hostility to-wards the traditional liturgy finds no justification on either a theological or pastoral level. The communities that celebrate the liturgy according to the 1962 Roman Missal are not rebels against the Church,” the statement noted.
“On the contrary, blessed by steady growth in lay faithful and priestly vocations, they constitute an example of steadfast perseverance in Catholic faith and unity, in a world increasingly insensitive to the Gospel, and an ecclesial context increasingly yielding to disintegrating impulses,” the organizers observed.

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