Rape-fighting Kerala nuns demand justice for minor victims

Light of Truth

Five Catholic nuns in Kerala, who hit the headlines with their fight against rape, have joined another campaign demanding justice for two minor girls who were allegedly raped and murdered.

The nuns of Missionaries of Jesus joined a public protest on Nov. 18 in Kerala’s commercial capital Kochi.

It was part of an ongoing campaign in the southern Indian state that started last month after a district court acquitted all four people accused in the case. The girls from a socially poor Dalit family, aged 13 and nine, were allegedly attacked in 2017 inside their one-room house when their mother was away at work.

“We attend the protest to share our solidarity with the grieving mother of the two minor girls,” said Sister Anupama Kelamangalathu-veli, who spoke for the other nuns. The protest of the five nuns in September 2018 demanded the arrest of Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jalandhar, who was accused of raping their former superior. Their diocesan congregation functioned under the bishop’s patronage. The bishop was arrested and faces trial in court.

“We understand the pain of their mother, and we want justice for her even though her daughters would not come back to life,” the nun told ucanews on Nov. 19.

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