QUESTION : What is the role of religion in the public sphere? – Manoj Francis
ANSWER : Jacob Parappally MSFS
The public sphere is the shared space of individuals who engage in dialogue, cultural and political activities, and work together for the common good of a society or nation. Within this sphere, religion plays an important role by guiding individuals and communities to discover their identities, norms for behaviour and relationships, and influencing their thinking about how to live a meaningful life in this world while considering a life beyond it. In the public sphere, religious values and practices are often critically assessed, questioned, and challenged.
When religion is relegated to the private sphere of individuals, it loses its relevance to society as a whole. Belonging to a religion provides identity and meaning to individuals or groups and serves as a liberating experience that adds purpose to their lives. A public sphere without religion loses its cohesion and purpose, while religion without the public sphere may degenerate into superstition and oppressive practices that dehumanize individuals.
Religionless Public Sphere
In contemporary society, every discourse is politically charged. When human interactions and structures for harmonious social living are viewed solely through a political lens, there is little room for authentic religious beliefs and practices. Some view religion as illiberal and a hindrance to human freedom and dignity. Ideologies of the past and present continue to argue that society would be better off without religion and its practices, claiming that religion enslaves people with false hopes.
Critics argue that religion alienates people from their societal responsibilities by offering promises of an afterlife. They advocate for removing religion from the public sphere. Atheistic philosophies and ideologies have historically justified the elimination of religion, leading totalitarian governments to impose draconian laws against religious belief and practice. In extreme cases, believers were brutally persecuted. This occurred primarily in the 20th century in countries behind the Iron Curtain, as well as in China and North Korea. Some of these regimes continue to suppress religion, with disastrous consequences for their citizens.
A public sphere without religion loses its cohesion
and purpose, while religion without the
public sphere may degenerate into superstition and
oppressive practices that dehumanize individuals
History has shown that the utopian vision of a happy and contented world without God or an Absolute Power is an illusion. Attempts to create a godless society have often resulted in monstrous tyrants and dictators who inflicted cruelty and bloodshed on their fellow human beings. Millions were sacrificed at the altar of illusory promises of happiness. Political systems and governments that advocated eliminating religion from the public sphere have faced severe consequences. A secularism that perceives religion as a threat to human progress and disregards humanity’s innate transcendental nature fails to serve people’s best interests. When the human longing for transcendence—towards God or a higher power—is stifled by oppressive laws or fear of death, it leads to perversions, criminality, and ultimately creates societies devoid of meaning. A religionless society is doomed to a purposeless existence and a meaningless death.
Religion as Part of the Public Sphere
It is impossible to eliminate the role of religion from the public sphere, as religious beliefs and practices are deeply intertwined with people’s lives, regardless of whether they are openly practiced. From ancient times to the present, religion has been a major source of securing, retaining, and expanding political power. Leaders of the three major Semitic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—often claimed divine appointment and ruled by divine right. Even in democratic societies, religious beliefs are manipulated by political parties to gain power. For instance, during recent elections in the United States, Donald Trump and the Republican Party used propaganda to appeal to Christian voters, suggesting that fundamental Christian beliefs would be undermined if they did not vote for the party. Similarly, India’s BJP Party, led by Narendra Modi, has leveraged Hindu religious sentiments to garner support. They portrayed themselves as protectors of sacred Hindu traditions, warning against perceived threats from Muslims and Christians, such as cow slaughter and religious conversions.
Religious Sentiments and the Public Sphere
Religious sentiments are powerful feelings that give identity to people. These sentiments can, however, be easily manipulated by unscrupulous individuals to secure power, money, and positions. Religion is an integral part of the public sphere, influencing all aspects of believers’ lives. The public sphere also includes individuals who strongly oppose religion and its practices. For both groups, religion remains an important theme for dialogue, debate, and mutual interaction.
According to Juergen Habermas, religion serves as both a source and resource for democratic politics. Religion positively impacts human lives and society, especially when it inspires movements for justice, human rights, equality, and environmental protection. At the same time, secular liberals may critically assess and challenge certain elements of religious practices.
Religion Offers Moral Principles to the Public Sphere
One of religion’s most significant roles in the public sphere is teaching individuals and society how to live moral and ethical lives. While humans inherently possess the capacity to distinguish between good and evil, religion provides the inspiration and framework to define and pursue what is good. It also helps individuals grow into authentic human beings. Religion promotes values such as justice, love, compassion, equality, peace, reconciliation, and communion. Across the world, it encourages people to care for the poor, weak, marginalized, and abandoned, framing such commitments as religious duties.
For example, civil rights movements in the United States were inspired by Christian ideals. Religious institutions often act as catalysts for social interaction, interfaith dialogue, community service, and efforts toward social harmony. Despite its positive contributions, some religious institutions cling to outdated practices that hinder societal progress. Nevertheless, in multicultural and multireligious societies, religions play a crucial role in fostering harmony and promoting the common good through dialogue and cooperation.
The Church’s Role in the Public Sphere
The Kingdom of God, as preached by Jesus, extends beyond the Church. While it encompasses the Church, its scope is broader, intersecting with the public sphere. Although the Kingdom of God cannot be equated with the public sphere, it includes all people of goodwill, even those who do not believe in God (cf. Lumen Gentium, No. 16). The public sphere, however, is shared by all humans—good or bad, righteous or unrighteous—who are all God’s children. Those who belong to the Kingdom of God live and practice its values: love, justice, equality, peace, reconciliation, and communion. The Church serves the Kingdom of God, which, in turn, serves the public sphere. God desires that all individuals in the public sphere experience wholeness and liberation (cf. 1 Tim 2:4).
The Church’s social teachings emphasize the importance of the common good, human freedom, and dignity. It advocates for laws and governance that respect inalienable human rights and promote the welfare of all, particularly the poor and marginalized. The Church serves as the moral conscience of the public sphere, raising its prophetic voice whenever governments violate universal moral principles. It encourages its faithful to engage in politics and governance to shape policies that safeguard life, social justice, freedom, dignity, and environmental care.
Challenges of the Public Sphere to Religion
The public sphere includes secular society alongside people of various religious affiliations. Some members of secular society may tolerate religion, while others may view it as a threat to human progress and development. Critics argue that the public sphere has the right and duty to critique religion. Just as religion must challenge societal issues, it must also heed critiques from the public sphere. Religions gain visibility through their authorities and institutions. When these fail to uphold their professed values or act hypocritically, the public sphere has a right to challenge them. Religious authorities must listen to criticism, whether it comes from secular society or their adherents, and address behaviours that undermine their credibility and societal good.
Religious fundamentalism poses a significant threat to the public sphere, as it disrupts peace and harmony. The public sphere must condemn and challenge any form of fundamentalism that creates division and fragmentation in society.
Religion’s Role in a Secularized Public Sphere
Religion has a vital role in the public sphere. It provides moral guidance, fosters unity among diverse communities, and challenges anti-human, anti-life, and anti-poor policies. At the same time, the public sphere critiques religion when it becomes obscurantist, anti-progress, or hypocritical. In modern, multicultural, and multireligious societies, religion fulfils its mission in the public sphere when it promotes the well-being of all and fosters harmony. When religion causes division or disharmony, it must be prophetically challenged to remain faithful to its original mission and purpose. Despite the failures of some adherents to uphold religious ideals, the positive contributions of religion to the public sphere remain undeniable. Authentic religion continues to play an essential role even in an increasingly secularized world.
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