By Pope Francis’ Decision, Buenos Aires Is No Longer the Primate Diocese of Argentina

Light of Truth

By Pope Francis’s decision, made public on Monday, July 22, from August 25, 2025, Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital, will lose the title of the country’s Primate Archdiocese. Days later, from September 7, the Diocese of Santiago del Estero will begin to bear the title of Primate Archdiocese of Argentina. The Holy Father’s decision was communicated jointly by the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Monsignor Jorge Ignacio García Cuerva, and the Bishop of Santiago del Estero, Monsignor Vicente Bokalic Iglic, in a letter to the faithful of their respective dioceses. A Primate Diocese is a diocese that has a pre-eminent position or leadership in the Catholic Church in a region or country. This special position is occupied by a Bishop who bears the title of “Primate.” The term and function of a Primate Diocese can vary according to the ecclesiastical tradition of each country.

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