Pope Francis took the unusual decision to expel 10 people – a bishop, priests and laypeople – from a troubled Catholic move-ment in Peru after a Vatican inve-stigation uncovered “sadistic” abuses of power, authority and spirituality.
The move against the lead-ership of the Sodalitium Chri-stianae Vitae, or Sodalitium of Christian Life, followed Francis’ decision last month to expel the group’s founder, Luis Figari, after he was found to have sodo-mized his recruits. The decision was announced by the Peruvian Bishops Confe-rence, which posted a statement from the Vatican embassy on its website.
The statement was astoni-shing because it listed the abuses uncovered by the Vatican investi-gation and the people responsible: It reported physical abuses “in-cluding with sadism and viol-ence,” sect-like abuses of consci-ence, spiritual abuse, abuses of authority, economic abuses in administering church money and the “abuse in the exercise of the apostolate of journalism.”
The later was presumably aimed at a Sodalitium-linked journalist who has attacked critics of the movement on social media.
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