St Paul de Chartres Sisters in Vietnam were attacked by gang-sters while they were protesting construction of a house on their former land.
On May 8, a dozen nuns tried to prevent workers from building a house on the land next to their convent in Hanoi. Workers had taken trucks and tools to the site on the previous night.
Witnesses said gangsters employed to guard the site “insulted and attacked the nuns with batons and one nun was beaten to unconsciousness.”
They said many policemen were present but did nothing to stop the brutal attack.
In a petition to Hanoi authori-ties in 2016, the nuns said their congregation had taken legal ownership of the 200-square-meter land plot in 1949.
After 1954, when communists controlled northern Vietnam, the government rented a novitiate building on the site for an institute of microbiology. Authorities later divided the site and sold it to other people. The nuns have asked the government to return the land many times over the years.
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