Pope Francis to U.S. bishops amid mass deportations: Dignity of migrants comes first
Man attacks high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican
Caritas Internationalis warns millions at risk with USAID cuts
IFFAsia holds regional dialogue on strengthening youth formation
Visiting bishops give hope to India’s most persecuted district
Christians welcome political change in troubled Indian state
Become Christ’s followers, not his fans: Indian bishops told
Papal advisor cardinal Oswald Gracias retires as Bombay archbishop
Congratulations for publishing Fr. Cedrick’s letter in your latest issue. It is good that he, as a well known person had the courage to write it. I do not know how many bishops will read it or even respond through your columns. As you may remember, how many times in the past starting from my speech to the Plenary session of the CBCI in in 1975 March, I have made the same plea but with no result.
P.T. Kuriakose