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The Latin-Rite dioceses of India will mark “Communio India” Sunday on November 29 (first Sunday of Advent) with the theme “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13: 34). “This year we observe Communio India Sunday amidst the suffering and the challenges created by the Covid-19 pan-demic. Nevertheless, the missionary journey of the whole Church continues, despite all the challenges facing us, be-cause the Risen Lord accompa-nies us on our way,” said Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrão, President of Conference of Catholic Bishops’ of India (CCBI). “Communio India” is an initiative of the CCBI to assist all Dioceses and Religious Congregations working in rural and mission areas, in their pastoral ministry, said Fr Ste-phen Alathara, deputy secretary general.
The resources generated by Catholics will be used for poor communities in many parts of the country. “The aims of “Communio India” are to assist dioceses and religious congregations working in the missions; to build a culture of sharing among our people to express solidarity with the needy,” said Archbishop Ferrão.
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