Italy: Study shows increase in prayer, religious fervour amid pandemic

Light of Truth

The uncertainty and restrictive measures in place due to the coronavirus pandemic caused an increase in prayers and religious fervor in Italy, a recent study said.

The study, which was released on May 22, was conducted by the State University of Milan, to “daily monitor public opinion during the COVID-19 emergency” and the impact it “has had on the religiosity of Italians.” After lockdown restrictions forced churches to close their doors, “the frequency of prayer and participation in religious services increased, although these could be attended only virtually,” the report stated.

The study was based on interviews with 4,600 people across Italy from April 20 to May 15. It showed the highest percentage increased in prayer during the pandemic was among Catholics who did not attend church at least once a week; 16 percent more of those who reported going to Mass at least once a month, but not every week, said they prayed each day during the pandemic.

The study, which asked participants about their behaviour prior to the pandemic, reported an 11 percent increase in daily prayer among what it described as “nominal Catholics,” those who said they were Catholics but seldom or never went to Mass.

However, it added, “the growth of religious practice was primarily influenced by the most acute phase of the crisis. In fact, the frequency of prayer decreases with the reduction of those infected.”

Those who had a family member infected by the coronavirus “significantly increased their participation in religious services and prayer,” it said. Participation at Mass – in person before the pandemic and online during it – was only minimally different for people over the age of 45, the study said. However, there was an increase of 17 percent in Mass participation among those under 45.

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