The Catholic Bishops Confe-rence of India has expressed disappointment over the media spreading selective details of its officials’ closed-door meeting with Christian parliamentarians in New Delhi. “The selective dis-semination of details has created confusion and misrepresented the nature of the discussions held,” said the conference in an official statement on Dec. 13, ten days after the meeting in New Delhi. The conference president, Arch-bishop Andrew Thazhath, and other officials met with about 20 Christian parliamentarians on Dec. 3, including George Kurian, the federal minister of state for minority affairs. The Church officials included secretaries of different conference commissions. The bishops are “deeply dis-heartened by the breach of trust and the release of selective infor-mation to the media by an un-named source,” the statement said. The media widely reported, quoting unnamed sources, that the parliamentarians had asked the bishops to abandon their opposition to the Waqf (Amendment) Act. This act has allegedly become a tool for a Muslim charity to claim some 400 acres of land in Mu-nambam village in Kerala state. “These media reports are fig-ments of their imagination; there is no truth in them,” said Father Robinson Rodrigues, the confe-rence spokesperson. “We did discuss Munambam, not seeing it as an issue of a rift between Chri-stian and Muslim communities. It [the claim on the land] is a clear case of human rights viola-tion,” the priest told.
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