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Rose Mary
But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman -Galatians 4:4
A trip to Lourdes is usually on the cards while planning a tourist visit to Europe, and so it was for me, on my first trip abroad. An overnight train journey from Paris reached me to my destination in the early hours of the morning. After the glitz and bustle of the fashion city I had left behind, this seemed like a quaint little village town, with small winding roads, shops and motels, all within walking distance of the majestic Lourdes Cathedral. The Holy Eucharistic celebration was an experience in itself with volunteers wheeling in numerous invalid patients for special blessing during Holy Mass. The day was well-spent at the church premises with the late evening candlelight procession adding the final touch of grace to the veneration of Our Lady.
There is a special reason to remember this visit at this time of the year. September 8th is a day of celebration for Catholics the world over—the nativity of our beloved Mother Mary. She was the harbinger of the Good News, the one who was chosen to set into motion God’s plan to redeem mankind in the “fullness of time.”
From the time God made His choice of the woman worthy enough to bring His Son into the world, she had a serious role to play in preparing mankind for this divine event. Details of the Virgin Mary are few and far between in the different gospels, and yet these are enough to reveal her pristine qualities, essential to fulfil her responsibilities towards those who were destined to hear her Son’s message then, and in the centuries to come.
The announcement of the birth of Jesus was made to Mary by God’s prime messenger, Angel Gabriel. The young teenage girl was troubled at the unusual visit, and he spoke strange words—she was chosen to be Mother of God. Clearheaded as always, she asked a pertinent question about virginity and motherhood, as the angel’s words had left her confused about the natural order of things. Whether she fully comprehended the angel’s answer is uncertain, but her trust in God prevailed over all other considerations, and she accepted the role in all humility and obedience.
If nothing else, this is one of the most powerful lessons that she continues to teach mankind. The commitment she took on then was spontaneous, not pausing for a moment to think of the repercussions of her decision. What would she tell her fiancé’ Joseph? Will she be able to face a community that usually stoned to death women who were accused of adultery? Whenever we are bound to make hard decisions in favour of our faith in God, we wade through a sea of doubts and fears. Often the expediency of going with the flow wins out, and we fail to capture the Virgin Mother’s resolve to stand firmly grounded in faith at whatever cost.
The cost, as we all know, was very high for her as the mother of Jesus whom she brought up in ‘wisdom and age and grace’ for thirty years. From the pure joy and ecstasy of the Magnificat—the ecstatic song she sang after visiting Elizabeth, her life was torn apart as she followed her son Jesus Christ through every step of His Passion and Death. Every painful moment reminded her of Simon’s prophecy to her at the temple when Jesus was an infant. She felt the sword pierce her heart, but accepted God’s will for her in the divine plan of redemption that was achieved through the crucifixion of Christ. She stood by the cross, she assisted those who laid His dead body to rest, and she stood united with the apostles in prayer from the Resurrection to the day of the Pentecost.
In her own quiet way, she became a true Christian role model, and a divine Mother to all. From the cross, Jesus presented mankind with a most precious gift— the gift of His Mother who can be approached for intercession at all times. From then on, she has been our link with God, our advocate in difficult times. Every now and then, she traverses the space that separates heaven and earth and appears through apparitions in different countries, constantly renewing the faith of people in a troubled world. Lourdes is one such place where the healing powers of the miraculous spring revealed by Our Lady continues to bring in the sick and suffering from all over the world. Fatima in Portugal and Guadalupe in Mexico are also famous Marion centres among many others in the world. Her reassuring presence is always with us, and in the words of Pope Francis, she encourages us to be men and women who are constant in their good works, who keep their word, who are always faithful.
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