To our great shock and surprise, a local corporation in a city in India declared water emergency in March, much before the advancement of extreme summer taking into consideration the acute shortage of water, both ground water as well as rain water. It even imposed penalties on those who bath twice a day and those who wash their cars. The state of Kerala can also be rightly compared to a burning hot pot as it faces an extremely hot weather, leading to declaration of red alert in many places and with mercury touching 43° Celsius when I am penning this down. Last year we saw many North Indian towns witnessing devastating floods wreaking havoc far and wide. The same happened in many European states; there was almost complete flooding in Germany and partially flooding in France and England. Many Canadian and American lakes and rivers simply got frozen into ice flakes demonstrating the intensity of the catastrophe. What is happening all around us? Who is responsible for all these? Nature? NO. All we can now do is to shake our heads in disbelief. Mankind first heard the phrase ‘climate change’ way back in 1970’s, but we never took it seriously. Despite many repeated attempts identifying alarming species extinction and haphazard behaviour of climatic stakeholders leading to identification and proliferation of many protocols, we took it lightly at least till the last decade, which placed whole mankind in a ‘missed the last bus ‘ situation. We were more interested to join the league of former US President Mr. Trump who even rejected climate change as a myth, forcing his government to withdraw from Paris climate agreement COP’s. Now we are almost on the brink of deep trouble with acute shortages in terms of valuable resources, species extinction and unpredictable climate, which put our life at stake. Still, we adopt the wrong strategy of combating heat by fixing more air conditioners instead of planting more trees and by covering our entire plot of land with artificial tiles or pavers instead of allowing water to seep down on its own. After doing all these we may complain of excessive heat or unbearable cold. This is the real paradox of modern humanity. How many more years will potable drinking water be available to us ? How many more years will we be able to breath oxygen avoiding toxicity? How many more years will we claim control over our natural resources? Almost all over the world resource crunch has become a stark reality and states like Kerala that dependent on hydro-electric power are going to face a black out in the near future unless we get enough summer precipitation. Sustainable development is not a convenient term to be used and reused without understanding it’s intrinsic value. It involves many dimensions including the gradual replacement of non-renewable with renewable sources of energy like solar power and the strict adoption of nature friendly techniques without which mankind cannot even survive this decade, leave alone a millennium. Time has come when we must seriously ponder about our posterity who are the real inheritors of all these and let’s remind ourselves that we are just custodians. Dr Manmohan Singh in one of his last addresses to the nation warned of an acute food shortage awaiting India as well as the world unless we think very seriously of a second green revolution, one with organic fertilisers and which relies heavily on ‘non – GMO seeds’ and not on genetically modified options. Taking cue from Gandhian dictum, let’s think whether we need two homes when we already have one, more clothes when our wardrobes already have many, and more concrete buildings when we have many ecologically viable substitutes. Mankind is in its last phase and let’s become more sensitive to the cry of mother nature. Otherwise get ready to be included in the list of Dinosaurs and Dodos without much of ado.
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