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World heard the most beautiful and meaningful quote on power when Pontius Pilate reminded Jesus that he has the power to punish him or to set him free. The reply came instantaneously and it is the most appropriate way to understand power in all contexts. “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” Jesus clearly reminded Pilate of the need to exercise his power cautiously and most judiciously as it is bestowed upon him by Almighty to ensure overall well being of all upon whom he exercises his authority.
Gandhiji was visited by Congress ministers immediately after their oath taking ceremony and he was requested to give a message. His message was simple yet clear. He exhorted the first cabinet of the nation to keep themselves away from the trappings of power as it may demean and pollute them like anything. Gandhiji told them to start fighting against this tendency and to serve millions and millions of poor people in India who are badly in need of their support, care and compassion. This message remains relevant even in the 21st century when we hear all around about abuse of power and misuse of positions. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely is not just an old saying but a reminder to men and women in all walks of life including families. History proved this true as we could see very well before our eyes how Afro – Asian nations headed by dictators, party chiefs and autocrats including the military perished and slipped away from democracy just because they exercised power ruthlessly without sensing its real meaning and true intention.
Christ always told his disciples that whomsoever who wants to become the leader must be like a servant to all others and not like a master. Power and service are two words that are closely and symbiotically linked with each other and service mindedness should become the true motto of those in power. Power sans service is nothing but power abuse as it is self servient in itself. Kerala society is now marred by a controversy which has shook the foundations of an industry giving employment to thousands of people everyday. Reason is very simple and it is nothing but unscrupulous misuse of authority especially by the privileged who instead of showcasing utmost professionalism, stooped into lowliness and disrepute. Such a situation can be avoided if everyone holding keys of power should remind themselves of the point that it is bestowed upon them from the skies and they are not permanent custodians of the same. Gandhian idea of ‘trusteeship’ becomes so relevant in this juncture. Every man or women in power must consider himself / herself as a trustee who is supposed to put his / her best before handing it over to the next custodian in a more meaningful manner. This is where humility begins as a virtue. Those in power must be humble so as to designate themselves as servants of those bequeathed to them.
Let us treat each other with humility and affection realising that we are trustees and not owners.
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