Ecocide, ethnocide, terricide worse than Coronavirus: Amazon Assembly

Light of Truth

The first Global Assembly for the Amazon closed with a final declaration which states that ecocide, ethnocide and terricide are worse than the Coronavirus.
The assembly was held on July 18-19 and was promoted by the Coordination of indigenous organizations of the Amazon Basin (Coica), the Pan-American Social Forum (Fospa) and the Pan-American Church Network (REPAM).

The event took place virtually because of the pandemic and included several countries: Ecua-dor, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Guyana, Vene-zuela, Brazil, French Guiana and Suriname. “Ecocide, ethnocide and terricide” are “worse than the virus,” because they carry “a colonial and capitalist system which does not understand life care.” “There is no more time,” the document continues, “we must unite in the diversity of peoples’ knowledge and in the culture of care.” “Amazonize yourselves,” is, therefore, the invitation of the assembly: “Now or never.”

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