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Question: Is India becom-ing one of the countries with the highest Coro-na fatality? How do you think we will come out of it?
Answer: After studying the COVID-19 situation in 15 countries I feel is that either will get weaken-ed on its own and slow down or people will become more resistant to it as immunity builds up in them. Some doctors already say that the recovery rate is increasing. I think we cannot control this virus, because a recent study says it was produced in a laboratory in Wuhan. France and America have even co-operated in the initial stages of the study. Moreover, it seems to have the characteristics of a man-made virus. An effective vaccine may not be found soon, but human beings will still get used to, as it happened in the case of the Spanish flu. There is so much fear of the virus among people that they do not even want to be tested.
Abp Leo Cornelio (Bhopal)
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