Selfless service

Light of Truth

Celebrating Holy Mass for the Jubilee of Deacons on Feb. 23, Archbishop Rino Fisichella delivered Pope Francis’ prepared homily in which he encourages deacons to be apostles of forgiveness, selfless servants and builders of communion.
The Pope highlighted selfless service, emphasizing Jesus’ words, “Do good and lend, expecting nothing in return” (Luke 6:35). Recalling that selfless service is “not a se-condary aspect” of their activity but “an essential dimension” of their identity Pope Francis encouraged deacons to serve joy-fully and with humility without seeking recog-nition, thus heeding the example of Jesus who teaches us that greatness comes through serving others (Mark 10:45).
“Through your co-operation and generosity, said the Pope,” you will be a bridge linking the altar to the street and the Eucha-rist to people’s daily lives.” “Charity will be your most beautiful liturgy and the liturgy your humblest servi-ce.”

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