Papal Teaching on Blessing of Same Sex Unions

Light of Truth
  • Why is there such a widespread protest in the church against the papal teaching on Blessing of same sex unions?


We should probably not give the wrong impression that we are blessing same-sex couples to live together as married couples. Blessings to people is some-thing that is considered acceptable at different levels. For example, if two people, two boys or two girls, come and say they want to live under the same roof as brothers and sisters, the priest may bless them. I also would not suggest that it be done in front of a live audience or a gathering. This blessing we speak of has non-liturgical nature. Normally we may bless people outside of the liturgy. But this should not give the impression that we are blessing same sex partnership. If two people of the same gender make a solemn event of their living together, giving the impression that they will be living as a wedded couple, I do not think we can bless them. If their motive is simply to live in companionship with each other, then we can grant their request for a blessing without giving the impression that we are blessing a same sex union, which would scandalise people.

Abp Leo Cornelio

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