Visiting the riot affected areas in the capital city of Delhi and seeing the frightened and insecure faces of people, including many innocent children and poor women, was a heart-breaking experience. Amidst such incidents, I am feeling increasingly insecure in the so called largest secular democracy of the world. It is in fact very unbearable to live in a society where you are looked at with suspicion and contempt just because of your identity. It tempts or forces people to hide their true identity in public. Now, in the face of such tragedies, how can I be sure that the laws and law-keepers will definitely come to my aid when my life is in danger? Day by day, my confidence as an Indian citizen is decreasing in the face of ever increasing inhuman and unholy activities and atrocities in what is supposed to be a civilised and cultured society. The universal principle of “live and let others live in justice and truth” only can bring peace and joy to every-one in the world. Have no doubt that only such humane virtue will finally survive forever.
Bp Jose Puthenveettil
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