He begets me as Himself

Light of Truth

‘The Word was with God and God was the Word’: the same in the same nature. I say more: he has borne him in my soul. Not only is she with him and he equally with her, but he is in her: the Father gives birth to his Son in the soul in the very same way as he gives birth to him in eternity and no differently. He must do it whether he likes it or not. The Father begets his Son unceasingly, and furthermore, I say, he begets me as his Son and the same Son. I say even more: not only does he beget me as his Son but he begets me as himself and himself as me, and me as his being and his nature. In the inmost spring, I well up in the Holy Ghost, where there is one life, one being, and one work.”

Meister Eckhart

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