Opinion about the CAA

Light of Truth

QUESTIONS: What is your opinion about the CAA (Citizen-ship Amendment Act)?

ANSWER: It looks much of it is political and more sectarian. If they want to do something for the country, for the well-being of the people, keep it open to all. They are excluding Muslims, but we sho-uld go without exclud-ing anybody, without making it sectarian. Keep it open. This country can live with all types of migrants. In our democracy, we can live together with nei-ther religion nor lan-guage nor status or colour. We are a de-mocracy that respects all religions, cast and colours. Diversity is our hallmark. I feel it is a political agenda as the elections come. And also it camouflages what has been coming up these days with these electoral bonds. There is a section of people promoting sectariani-sm and they want to divide and polarize.

  • Bp Henry D’Souza, Bellary

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