Abram to Abraham

Light of Truth

“There would be perhaps yet another Abraham, not only he who received another name in his old age and, at ninety-nine, at the time of his circu-mcision, felt, by the blow of a letter, the letter H right in the middle of his name; not only he who, later, on Mount Moriah, was called twice by the angel, first “Abraham, Abraham,’’ then, a second time still, from the height of the heavens, as Scripture tells us. There would be perhaps not only Abram, then Abraham, Abra-ham, twice. That there should be yet another Abraham: here, then, is the most threatened Jewish thought , but also the most vertiginously, the most intimately Jewish one that I know to this day. For you have understood me well: when I say “the most Jewish ,” I also mean “more than Jewish “ Others would perhaps say “otherwise Jewish” even “other than jewish.”

  • Jacques Derrida

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