“Kierkegaard has a predilection for the biblical story of the sacrificing of Isaac. Thus, he describes the encounter with God as a subjectivity rising to the religious level: God above the ethical ord-er! His interpretation of this story can doubt-less be given a different orientation. Perhaps Abraham’s ear for hearing the voice that brought him back to the ethical order was the highest moment in this drama. And Kier-kegaard never speaks of the situation in which Abraham enters into dialogue-with God to intercede in favour of Sodom and Gomo-rrah, in the name of the just who may be present there? In that passage, Abraham is fully aware of his no-thingness and morta-lity. “I am but dust and ashes” practically opens the dialogue, and the annihilating flame of divine ire burns be-fore Abraham’s eyes each time he interve-nes.”
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