Central African Republic: Bishop accuses Gulf states of “secret agenda”

Light of Truth

The Gulf states – with the complicity of Islamic nations in Africa – stand accused of master-minding a “secret agenda” to invade the Central African Republic (CAR), drive out non-Muslims and divide the country in two. But, making the claim, Bishop Juan José Aguirre Muñoz of Bangassou has vowed that the Church would never leave the country and remains committed to helping the poorest of the poor and building bridges with Muslims.

In an interview with Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, Bishop Muñoz condemned what he called a “secret agenda” involving the Gulf states as well as “countries hiding in the shadows” such as Chad, Niger, Sudan, Libya and other Islamic nations in Africa. The bishop said: “Thousands of mercenaries – most of them foreigners – have invaded the country from the north aided by the Gulf states and by Chad and with the complicity of other countries… such as Sudan and Niger.

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