Archbishop, academicians, activists join forces to promote peace

Light of Truth

A group of academicians and social activists came together under the leadership of Archbishop emeritus of Guwahati to promote peace at a time when the whole of Brahmaputra Valley is “in search of peace.”
The occasion was the re-lease of an Assamese langua-ge book entitled Hanti Bisari (In Search of Peace) written by Archbishop Thomas Mena-mparampil. The original work in English language was tran-slated into Assamese by a civil society leader, Paresh Mala-kar.
The book-release on Octo-ber 22 turned out to be a social-discussion session in which the need for mutual understanding between communities was emphasized. A reputed intelle-ctual of Assam, Hiren Gohain released the book at Guwahati Press Club.
Archbishop Thomas says, “Professor Satyakam Bortha-kur of the University of Dibrugarh had helped in the compi-lation of texts from original Assamese authors. So, the book turns out the product many hands, coming out precisely at a time when the whole of Brahmaputra Valley is ‘in search of peace’.”

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