50 Years A Priest, Oh What Joy! – Stan Lourd Swamy SJ

Light of Truth

I complete 50 years as a priest today, April 14. I started off my priestly life celebrating with glow at least three Masses in as many places on Sundays.

But my life’s main mission is living and sharing life with Indigenous Adivasi People. I accompany them in their struggles against forcible unjust displacement, deprival of their rights over their natural resources, and denial of their due share in the rich dug out literally from beneath their feet. And to add insult to injury, when they stood up to protest against injustice meted out to them, they were thrown into jails in umpteen numbers.

Started asking myself what ‘priesthood’ would mean in this heart-rending reality.

Was reminded of what an eminent liberation theologian said: “What is offered in most of our churches and by most of our priests is the ritual of the Mass, but it is not the sacrifice of Jesus.”

What would his sacrifice mean if not his whole life was a life that brought him to his death, killed by the powers that be for he stood up against oppression of the poor and the weak?

I then decided to take on the oppressive but mighty State, filed a case on behalf of the thousands of under-trial prisoners, most of whom, everybody knows, are innocent. It was then the State decided to put me out of the way. Multiple cases filed against me, cases as serious as ‘sedition,’ not a small solace to remind oneself that Jesus was also accused of ‘sedition’ and paid the supreme sacrifice of his life.

Arrest-warrant was issued on me; I was declared an ‘absconder,’ my work-cum-living premise raided three times (August 2018 – October 2019), and all my personal belongings (computer to mattress and pillow) confiscated. I now have only three things I can call my own: my body, my mind, my conscience. If I was not a Jesuit, would be literally on the street. Life is now with uncertainties, like a swinging pendulum. In one case, ‘arrest warrant’ is still live; can be activated anytime but for the change in political regime.

In the second case, I can be ‘promoted’ from being a ‘suspect’ to ‘accused’ and thrown behind bars. But one thing certain, I feel privileged to walking the Way of the Cross with Jesus and our people being crucified. Earnestly hoping that I will share his death, a death that brought life, a new life, the life of the Resurrection.

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